The Best Fences to Use for Security Fences, Metal Fences | December 19, 2019One of the best ways to secure a piece of property is through a proper fence. Although the primary purpose of most fences is security, not all fences are created equal in their ability to deter crime. At Vulcan Metal Works, we know about the best fences to use for security and we provide many different types of fences across BC.
How to Pick the Best Security Fencing
If you are looking to pick good security fencing for your home or business, there are a couple of criteria to look into. Some of the things to keep in mind when selecting fencing include:
Although having a fence with good visibility might take away from the privacy of your home or business, it also makes it more difficult for potential trespassers to hide. When deciding on a security fence for your property, think about sightlines and what types of fencing offer the best visibility. Great options include chain link fences and decorative fencing.
Is it Climbable?
One of the main problems with fences as a security measure is that people are often able to climb over them. While no fence is able to dissuade a determined intruder, some types of fencing are more difficult to climb over than others. With the right additions, such as privacy slats, even a chain link fence can provide a challenging climb. Fences with vertical bars tend to be the most difficult to climb, making some types of ornamental fencing the best option. If the top is pointed or spiked, it can provide an even better obstacle to fence climbers.
Durability and Strength
Many types of wire fence can be cut through with fairly little effort. For this reason, thicker bars are often a better way to go, as long as they are strong enough to resist most handheld tools. It can also help to use concrete along the fence line to prevent trespassers from digging under the fence.
When it comes to deterring trespassers, the size of a fence can make a big difference. A short fence will not provide much security as it will not take much effort to breach, whereas a taller fence can make a less determined trespasser think twice about whether they want to attempt entry.
If you would like to find out more about the best fences to use for security, or if you have any questions about the fencing products and services we provide, please contact us at 604-862-5378 or send us a request through our website.
One of the best ways to secure a piece of property is through a proper fence. Although the primary purpose of most fences is security, not all fences are created equal in their ability to deter crime. At Vulcan Metal Works, we know about the best fences to use for security and we provide many different types of fences across BC.
How to Pick the Best Security Fencing
If you are looking to pick good security fencing for your home or business, there are a couple of criteria to look into. Some of the things to keep in mind when selecting fencing include:
Although having a fence with good visibility might take away from the privacy of your home or business, it also makes it more difficult for potential trespassers to hide. When deciding on a security fence for your property, think about sightlines and what types of fencing offer the best visibility. Great options include chain link fences and decorative fencing.
Is it Climbable?
One of the main problems with fences as a security measure is that people are often able to climb over them. While no fence is able to dissuade a determined intruder, some types of fencing are more difficult to climb over than others. With the right additions, such as privacy slats, even a chain link fence can provide a challenging climb. Fences with vertical bars tend to be the most difficult to climb, making some types of ornamental fencing the best option. If the top is pointed or spiked, it can provide an even better obstacle to fence climbers.
Durability and Strength
Many types of wire fence can be cut through with fairly little effort. For this reason, thicker bars are often a better way to go, as long as they are strong enough to resist most handheld tools. It can also help to use concrete along the fence line to prevent trespassers from digging under the fence.
When it comes to deterring trespassers, the size of a fence can make a big difference. A short fence will not provide much security as it will not take much effort to breach, whereas a taller fence can make a less determined trespasser think twice about whether they want to attempt entry.
If you would like to find out more about the best fences to use for security, or if you have any questions about the fencing products and services we provide, please contact us at 604-862-5378 or send us a request through our website.